Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Skinny Chic 4th Quarter

"There are 9 seconds left in the game...the score reads fat chic 5 / skinny chic 3...It's fat chic's ball and the game looks like there's no hope for skinny chic...there's always next season..."

It's the end of the year (9 weeks left), the beginning of November, and the dreaded holiday food season. This is the time where we "let ourselves go" for the sake of good times with family and friends. We tell ourselves we'll be back on track after the new year. That's right, we'll make a resolution to never be fat again, after January 1.  At least that's how the fat chic would have you look at this time of year.  Skinny chic's view life through a completely different lens.  

The skinny chic looks at this time of year as the 4th quarter.  We have 9 weeks left to accomplish a goal that we set out on 43 weeks ago. Even if we don't hit the goal on the head, a skinny chic never stops fighting, clawing, inching, step by step to get closer to that goal than she was yesterday. The 4th quarter is where we need to turn up the heat, turn on the hustle, and break through walls. This is when we scream at all seeds of doubt "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!!!!" 

Personally, I set out a goal in September to lose 33lbs by my 33rd birthday (which is in February). I've been fighting day by day to reach this goal. I also set out a goal to complete the C25K running app once and for all. This app, like so many other things in life, represented everything I disliked about myself...Failure, lack of follow through, obesity, fear, weakness...It's an 8 week running plan to prepare you to run a 5K and I never made it past week 4 day 1...Well I STAND proudly saying yesterday I COMPLETED week 8 day 1!!!! 2 more days and I will have completed the ENTIRE PROGRAM!!!! 

This has definitely been hard, with yesterday's run being the hardest (I ran 28 minutes straight at 6.0 on the treadmill). I wake between 4am-5am everyday (weekends included) just to ensure that I get my workout in. Whenever I felt too tired to get out of bed in my head I heard "Do you want to sleep or do you want to be successful". If I was too tired to continue running I would yell out loud (Yes I said Yell Out Loud and Dare someone to call me crazy) "GET UP, THIS IS 4TH QUARTER".  This is not the time to rest, not the time to say "tomorrow", Your time is NOW! 

A life coach that I frequently watch on YouTube named Eric Thomas said, "You can have anything that you're willing to struggle for". Struggle, meaning fight for, go through the pain for, feel uncomfortable for, wrestle for, never give up on. 

Are you willing to struggle for your financial freedom? What about your health, are you willing to struggle today to live a full and rewarding life later? How about struggling today to accomplish your dreams, knowing that tomorrow the reward is immeasurable? YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU'RE WILLING TO STRUGGLE FOR...the question is are you ready to put in this work? 

"There are 9 seconds left in the game...the score reads fat chic 5 / skinny chic 3...It's fat chic's ball and the game looks like there's no hope for skinny chic...but wait, skinny chic steals the ball from fat chic and scores 3 points to win the game!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!..."

Remember, you're the author of your story...

If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out. 

TWITTER @Skinnychic_Fatchic 
PINTEREST @FatSkinnyChic    

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Skinny Chic: How's your poop?

DISCLAIMER: If you have a weak stomach or get queasy when discussing some topics you may want to stop reading now.

Skinny chics this post is a heart to heart about a real barrier to health-gain. I have a real life changing question for you: How's your poop? I mean really, are you frequently constipated or confronting diarrhea? Or are your stools usually on the solid yet soft side? does it usually come out S shaped, a straight line, or little pebbles? Does it float or sink right to the bottom? How often do you poo? Once/twice a month, a week, a day? Do you have bouts of pain when pooing or do you poo with ease?

These are questions that until recently I didn't feel mattered. Who knew that passing poo once a week could actually be a culprit halting my health-gain?

To address the basic science:

a healthy female consumes between 1200-2000 calories a day. The food consumed is broken down by the body into useful nutrients the body can use and the the things the body can't use are pushed through as waste. Your body creates approximately .22-.44 pounds of poop a day. That's 1.54-3.08 lbs of poop a week! APPROXIMATELY 161 LBS OF POOP A YEAR!!!! Have you ever tried passing 3 lbs of poop in one sitting? I'm sure it's not fun & it's not good for your bum.

Poop is important because not going regularly could be a reason why your health-gain is moving at snail pace. But what is regular?

Regular is different for each person. The important thing is that you're consistent for your own routine. If your routine is once a day or every couple of days great! My husband freaks out if he goes less than 7 times a day (ridiculous)!

Good healthy poop should be S shaped & a soft solid. Color doesn't matter (as long as it isn't black - if you have black poop or see blood in your poop stop reading & speak with your doctor immediately because that could indicate bleeding in your colon).

If your poop isn't a soft solid & S shaped here are a few things to consider:

  1. Are you getting enough Fiber? 
    • A healthy adult needs 30-35 grams daily. 
  1. Are you drinking enough water?
    • As a rule of thumb take your weight divided by 2 & that's how many ounces of water you should aim for daily. 
      • Take that number divided by 8 & that's how many cups you should aim for. 
  1. Are you exercising?    
    • Exercise helps by decreasing the time it takes food to move through the large intestines, thus limiting the amount of water absorbed from the poo into the body. 
    • An added bonus, aerobic exercise accelerates your breathing & heart rate & this helps to stimulate the natural contraction of intestine muscles. Intestinal muscles that contract efficiently help move poop out quickly!
      • so take a zumba class this week to jump start your poop routine.
The last interesting thing I'd like to share is PASSING GAS IS NORMAL & NATURAL (& don't you let anyone tell you different). It's actually normal & healthy to pass gas 10-18 times a day! (I can hear my husband groan as he reads this).

So the moral of the story is poop..poop a lot...poop freely...poop without restraint & pass gas while you're at it because with each poop session you're one step closer to obtaining your healthy you.

If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Skinny Chic: The Struggle is REAL!!!

AMBER ALERT: Calling all cars we have a skinny chic abduction reported on blogspot & facebook. She was last spotted blogging 5 weeks ago. It's been reported that she's being held captive by a fat chic. 5'7, 257 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes; the suspect is to be considered fat and dangerous. Use EXTREME CAUTION!  She's known to frequent overeating hangouts (i.e. buffets, food festivals, & kitchen tables). She has borderline hypertension, high cholesterol, & arthritis. She may be wearing an over-sized outfit typically black in color. I repeat use EXTREME caution when approaching the perp & call for back up. We want the skinny chic returned alive!

Singing: "I'm locked up, she won't let me out..."

Four walls, boxed in, dim lighting, struggle, pressure, Push...PUsh...take a break...still hasn't budged...PUSh...with all your might PUSH...

Become vegan, have surgery, no carbs, low carbs, no protein, low protein, no sugar, gluten free, fat free, low fat, no grains, take supplements, use protein powder, eat veggies, eat fruits, eat prepackaged foods, no salt, low salt, count calories, count points, food journal, fat journal, diet, fast, cleanse, more water, not too much water, cheat day, free day, free meal, FREE ME!!!!!

Having been conditioned by our microwave society I feel like I'm stuck in weight-loss HELL!!!
I want to go to sleep and wake up and it all be a really bad dream. 9 months...for 9 months I've exercised, monitored my portions, added more fruits and veggies, decreased grains, maintained 8-12 glasses of water daily, exercised (at least once a week), visualized my skinny (sometimes) , I don't eat 2 hours before bed, I limit sweets, little to no alcohol (maybe 3-4 glasses of wine in 9 months), prayed, hoped, wished, cried, & begged the weight to leave.

9 months later not even 1 pound gone...There was a short period late spring/early summer where I think I lost, but I refused to get on the scale & besides I ended up finding that which was lost anyway...REALLY GOD?!?!?!?!...NOT EVEN 1 POUND!?!?!?!?

Fat chic didn't have to kidnap me; we're playing tug-o-war and right now the knot is over her side of the line. So no I haven't blogged. Not because I've been eating my misery or indulging the fat chic. I'd actually like to report that during this break period I've been doing better than ever with the weight-loss/health-gain process. I've up'd my exercise & am working on establishing consistency. I run/walk 2-3 miles 3 times a week. I meal prep healthy meals & I don't eat carbs after lunch & I rarely eat out.

I've taken this break time as a time to attempt to address the mental aspect of health. In my professional opinion (yes I've been a professional fat chic for about 32 years) getting healthy is 20% exercise, 30% intake (food, drink, & vitamins) & 50% mental (thoughts, beliefs, & visualizations). You can exercise & eat right as much as you want, but if you don't address your mental framework you won't be successful; you will quit; you will fail.

A lot of "stuff" from my past has dredged its way into my present mental state & it's ARRESTING MY HEALTH PROGRESS. So I want to say thank you to those who consistently check back to see if there are new blog posts; even when I go on hiatus.

Please don't give up on me and assume the worst about me. If concerned pray for me, for my strength, and my endurance. Reach out & let me know you have my back & hope I'm OK (even if we've never met in person, we're still connected through the words on this screen). I'm working hard to reach my health-gain and rest assured I WILL NOT QUIT.


If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Skinny Chic's Never Give Up

Reflecting on this weeks triumphs and set backs I'm thoroughly impressed with my resilience. I've committed myself to never giving up on my dreams and to constantly be in pursuit of success. I've learned as a fat chic that you have to encourage yourself and have your own internal motivators propelling you towards your dreams. God has called me to greater and pushes me towards excellence.

I want today's post to be encouragement for you. I want you to know that you've been called to greater and you too can constantly be in motion, moving towards excellence. We aren't ever going to be perfect, but if your daily plan is to attempt to emulate the perfect one you're moving in the right direction.

Some may get offended when I speak of my skinny chic vs. my fat chic. Please understand that my skinny is not society's skinny. I love my curves, but I also love my daughter and I want to be healthy to be here for her. I want to live as long as the Lord is willing to let me and in order for that to happen He's calling me to improve my health. I need to be healthy and in order Mentally, Spiritually, Physically, and Financially.

I watched a video that was so empowering, motivating, and inspirational that I had to share it. This individual was a lot like me initially; defeated, unmotivated, and unhappy. Despite that he never gave up and success is now his. Please watch, share, and be encouraged.

If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

If you're enjoying the reading don't forget to follow the blog, share the blog, and like "Skinny Chic Stuck in a Fat Chic's Body Blog" page on facebook. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Skinny Chic Breakthrough



Daily you should speak with the skinny chic inside of you, letting her know you hear her, you understand her, and you're fighting for her. Visualize her being the one seen by the world. I took a break from blogging while I worked on releasing my skinny chic, but I'm back. During this time I completed a mud run with some girl friends (for the second year in a row). I enjoy competing, I enjoy hanging out with friends, and I enjoy doing things that improve my health combine the three and what more could a skinny chic ask for!

This post is going to be simple and to the point GET UP OFF OF THE COUCH, CHAIR, LOVESEAT, OR BED AND GET MOVING!  Make it a point to move for a minimum of 30 minutes a day (regardless of your weight). Walk, run, bike, dance,take an aerobics class, swim, dance, jump rope, take the stairs at work, whatever you want to do JUST MOVE! You can't expect things to change if you don't make and maintain any changes. The key to breaking your skinny chic free is to begin to implement new healthy behaviors into your lifestyle. It's not rocket science and I'm not telling you anything new, so JUST DO IT!

If you're a fat chic like me be encouraged, stay motivated, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

P.S.-If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Freedom isn't Free

What price are you willing to pay to be free?

Free from what you ask?

Well let me answer a question with a question...what are you bound by?

Is it debt?

Is it obesity?

Is it stress?

What work are you willing to put in, in order to ensure that you not only break out of any self destructive cycle that you're in, but also that you stay you of that cycle?
Hard work and dedication are the fees to be paid for the freedom of shopping where you want, wearing what you want, and walking confident in your own skin. While cashing in that currency you'll experience uncontrollable sweats and total body pain if done right.

As I've gone through the last couple weeks I've had to pose the question of sacrifice to myself several times. There have been time's during these weeks that I've not been willing to pay the required price. I just didn't feel like fighting anymore, besides being fat seems so much easier.

It's in those times that I'm encouraged by 2 Corinthians 12:9 it says, "Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness".

In my weak times of low motivation, to know that He's strong enough to pull me through is the push I need to keep holding on.

There will be hard days ahead full of temptation, set backs, and declines in motivation. It's important that you surround yourself with encouragement and those who will remind you why you started to begin with.

Nobody likes a quitter, so don't commit to making a change, unless you're truly ready to commit and pay the cost required to make the change.

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.
Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.   

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

A New Song


(In my best Samuel L. Jackson voice)

Are you tired of finding yourself reciting the same speeches to God about your life improvements or lack there of?
Are you tired of having that one area of your life that just feels out of control?
Are you tired of waking up everyday and doing nothing about it?

Well I know I am! 

I feel great and I realized I'm over the sad songs involving disappointment, shame, and guilt about relapsing on the fat train. I'm tired of crying over being fat. I'm tired of feeling fat because I have nothing cute I can fit hanging in my closet. I'm tired of wearing the same shirt and pants repetitively due to my refusal to buy bigger sizes.

The song that has resonated in my spirit over these past six months is Greater by Tasha Cobbs. Some of the lyrics say:

"Better days ahead I'm living in the promise of God
A new day is here, I have a fresh expectation.
Got a new perspective and it's loud and clear
I'm not moved by what I see, only what I hear
and I hear greater, greater for my life."

This is where I am & where I am trying to stay. I have a new perspective and I'm adamant about staying in this space.

Psalm33:3 says "Sing a new song of praise to him; play skillfully on the harp, and sing with joy."

I want to praise God by doing His will and taking better care of myself. In depending on my will I'll be fat, unhealthy , uncomfortable, and unhappy the rest of my life. So I will gladly trade my will for God's will.

It is God's will:
  • For me to be healthy. 
  • For me to prosper. 
  •  For me to have love, joy, peace, kindness, self control, patience, goodness, faithfulness, and humility. 
  • It is God's will for me to finish what I started.
Yea Greater...this is my new song...What's yours?

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.

Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hi my name is...Fat Chic

singing: "I love you like a fat kid loves cake"..."Ey big girl make 'em back it up, make 'em back it up"...

As I stood answering 21 questions and wobbled my way into my husbands heart; I took a step back and contemplated "Why am I fat?" When I met my husband 10 years ago I was 75lbs lighter than I am today!

Now Imma give you the short version. It all started back in 1982 when my mother gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, me, skinny chic... Just kidding, I'm not really going back that far, but seriously what I will say is I had a pretty hard life. 

As with most families in my reality, alcoholism and drug addiction crept their way into my family and took up residence. Yes Dr. Phil, (in my Dr. Phil voice) I know there are tons of emotional and environmental factors that are directly correlated to my unhealthy lifestyle as a result of my childhood.  Aside from that fact, the most important epiphany came to me only recently. It was then that I realized I inherited my family's addictive characteristics. 

I am an addict and food is my drug of choice. I have triggers and struggles with self control the same as a person addicted to drugs or alcohol. I am a habitual overeater, each meal going way beyond the point of satisfaction and I ultimately end up doing the walk of fat shame back to my corner to sulk about it. 

I've never enjoyed the fat life, which is why I've fought so hard these last four years to change it. Understanding that I am an addict has helped me better understand my need for recovery. 

Maybe your issue is financial, relational, or health just like mine. Whatever the issue, the same basic recovery principals apply:
  1. Admit there's a problem.
    • If you can't acknowledge that your current situation and ways of thinking about it are flawed you'll never be able to effectively change it. 
  2. Research how to correct the problem
    •    God, prayer, books, internet, friends and family can all be great resources to help figure out what will work for you. 
  3. Decide which option will work best for you.
    • Be realistic and stay away from "Microwave" fixes. Change that happens fast without any real hard work tends to leave just as fast. 
  4. Make a choice and begin to actively and purposefully change your habits.
    • Small changes over time create big changes in the long run. 
  5.  Take it one day at a time. 
    • There are no setbacks; just hiccups and once they're gone you're back to the plan. 
  6. Remember this is a lifestyle. 
    • It took more than a day to get to this point, it'll take more than a day to get out of it. 
      If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.

      Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Skinny Chic Comeback

Don't call it a comeback I've been here for years. 

No literally, I have been fighting a losing battle with my weight for over 20 years and for the past four years this battle has been chronicled in this blog. If you were to scroll through my previous posts and count you'd see several posts referring to my "return to the weight loss wagon" (no need to look for it, just take my word).

In reflecting over my struggle with weight loss there is one thing I am proud of. During my most recent relapse my recovery time came quicker and my behavior during this setback didn't even come close to being as bad as it has been in times past.

Scouts honor, on media takeout you won't find photos of me surrounded by a buffet of candy bars, cakes, cookies, and ice cream (at least I hope not, I believe I destroyed all evidence of any such hypothetical photos).

But seriously, this time I only dipped my foot in the river of fatness and decided the water temperature was too cold for my blood.

So what happened?

I'm in a season of life that's leading me to question my purpose, motives, and motivations. Not that I've experienced one before but when asked I've said "I'm going through a mid-life crisis." That label is not encouraging or speaking life into my situation, but honestly I've been in the middle of a very uncomfortable state with God and my life and I'm still a work in progress.

So here I sit, once again motivated, determined, and focused. I'm not going to leave you with promises or declarations of change. I'm reminded of a quote that says, "We don't plan to fail, we fail to plan." So this time I've got a plan A, plan B, plan C, and all the way up to plan Z if needed. I'm planning for my success.

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.

Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Are You Ready?


A minimum of 22 years I've spent at war with obesity, depression, and low self esteem and what do I have to show for it? A barrage of unflattering pictures, a fear of rejection, and a closet full of clothes that I can't fit. I've spent my life searching for my purpose; that one thing that God sent me here to accomplish. I want my life to mean something. I want to leave the world better than I found it.

So I pick up my trash and try really hard not to litter. I'm conscious of the footprint I'm leaving on the earth; so I try to run water sparingly, recycle and reuse recycled materials, try not to leave lights on, and try to consciously be aware of how my choices are going to affect my daughter and the generations to come.   I've been blessed with a creative spirit; one in which I can apply words to music, poetry, or paper (well in this case a webpage) and create something that is enticing, encouraging, and at times brilliant (If I should say so myself). I'm also crafty (my second husband is pinterest and my first husband isn't fond of him). I'm a dreamer, I'm loyal, I love hard, I'm witty, I'm honest (I try never to lie...not even the "I was just joking" lies), I'm a risk taker (within reason), I'm a fighter, I'm a leader, I'm a motivator, I'm inspirational, I'm passionate, I'm human.

With all of that I could not understand, for the life of me, why I was not able to achieve the level of excellence that I desire in my endeavors. In the past I've started several projects; never seeing one to completion. At times I feel like I'm my own worst enemy, sabotaging my own life (haters step aside). I'm taken back to the day I graduated from college, one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life. Mostly because I was a first generationer, but also because there were many days that I thought I wouldn't make it. I've cleared so many hurdles on this path, but not before toppling over some.

As I sat trying to understand; I was brought to a scripture, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, and it hit me. God has never given up on anything; He finished the world and He has an expected end for each of us. For so long I've failed to exhibit this attribute of God's character because I constantly fall victim to the curse that so many have succumb to; complacency and mediocrity. I defeated depression in 2008 and haven't looked back. My self esteem is the highest it has ever been and it has no where else to go but up. I married an amazing man, I have an amazing daughter, and I serve an awesome God; yet something is blocking my elevation.

The verse in Corinthians and reflection showed me that of all of my life's accomplishments there's still one failure that haunts me; obesity. In conquering that I truly believe that I will receive the push, drive, and motivation that I need to propel me to the next level of excellence in every area of my life. This verse calls me to be diligent, run with purpose in every step, discipline my life, and never give up. It calls me to exude God's Spirit of completion. I've learned that actions speak louder than words so I'd rather show you than tell you; but for those who are audible learners and you prefer to hear it: I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! I WILL NEVER GIVE UP!

Are you ready to fulfill the call and purpose that God's placed on your life? Let's start right now with this.

Let's go! (You may now return to your regularly scheduled life events)

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.

Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Biggest Loser Revealed

24 days into this wonderful year and if I may boast a little bit; I have worked my BUTT off! (Well not actually, I mean there's still tons of butt to be worked off, but you get my drift). To stay motivated on my quest for a healthy lifestyle I need to be surrounded by encouragement: I read books, watch DVD's, and television shows all geared towards health. One of my favorite shows is the biggest loser. I enjoy it mostly because I'm able to see the person transform week to week right before my eyes. This show gives me hope and makes me feel like I too can be the biggest loser, right at home.

In past seasons, I listened to Bob, Dolvett, and Jillian as if they were screaming right in my face telling me to suck it up and get to it. So I got to it...and failed horribly. Not only didn't I lose weight, every season I GAINED weight! I was later informed that they have a team of doctors and specialist who help them learn to survive on less than 2000 calories a day and approximately six hours of exercise A DAY! (FYI I read this info in an article from a local biggest loser contestant; scouts honor).  

I don't know about you, but with the hubby, the kid(s), the job, the laundry, the housework, the cooking, the writing, the reading, and basically living; I do not have the time, energy, desire, or resources to be able to "do it" like a biggest loser contestant. That doesn't necessarily mean I can't still lose, it just won't be at the same rate as the contestants and I'm ok with that.

I did, however, learn a lot from watching the show and doing things on my own. I learned that motivation and visualization are two major tools to health's success. You have to know why you want it and be able to see you with it. Motivation is not an emotion and it shouldn't be tied to one either. Motivation is a reason, ask yourself WHY? Why do I want to or need to be healthy. Your motivation needs to be something that compels you to do and be better no matter what you feel like on any particular day. 

Visualization was new for me. I've never been able to see myself thinner than I am now and that's why I've struggled losing the weight. To help with this I created a motivation board that is tacked on the wall next to my side of the bed. It has quotes, scriptures, overall encouragement, and pictures of the body I desire and I look at this several times a day. I am retraining my brain and body to become the woman I am purposed by God to be.
(This is my motivation board)

The burpee challenge I mentioned in the last post is going GREAT! I did have a minor set back of a couple days and I just started over (which means now burpee's and abs will overlap for a few days, yuck!) I've started going to Zumba classes and other group fitness classes at my local YMCA. I make sure when our family eats a meal 50-75% of the food on the plate comes from fruits and veggies.

I'm determined this time not to let go of this dream, because I've come to learn that the biggest loser is really the person who gives up on themselves. In years past I had little to no support from those around me to be healthy, but I learned that I really didn't support myself. I didn't believe I could achieve the dream and therefore, even though my mouth said I wanted it, everything else said I didn't deserve it and I should let it go. Well I've officially rescinded my membership to the losers club and I vow from this point on to always be a winner. I approach this situation and every other in my life from the standpoint of Victory and I hope you will now join me on the victorious side. 

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.

Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.