Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fat Chic-2 Skinny chic-0

“If you want anything to work, you’ve got to work it”…A quote from some famous person, whom I really don’t know. Ok so I’ve been on a long hiatus contemplating life, love, and the pursuit of healthiness. I started out with a bang, extremely excited and on a roll for weight-loss. After several setbacks and mistakes the fat chic took control, I fell off the wagon with cookies, cupcakes, and donuts pouring out of my soul. I reverted back to over eating, emotional eating, and simply unhealthy eating. I allowed my emotions to encourage me to accept my defeat, as I bowed my head and walked away from exercise and any idea of me accomplishing this goal.

Until today, I just realized where I’d gone wrong. I was successful with things initially because God was the director of this weight loss expedition, but somewhere along the way I started to leave Him out of the equation. My foundation began to crack & breakdown as I gave all the glory to me & my persistence with exercise and food monitoring. Well…The SKINNY CHIC IS BACK, and with a vengeance. I have a new plan, a new focus, and a new direction. Change #1-God is the only one directing this show and He will get all the glory. Change #2-I joined weight watchers (granted this isn’t my first time, but it is my last time). Change #3-My father in-law gave us a treadmill (granted I think it’s the first model ever created, but it works) and it’s sitting in our living room in front of the TV. I’m already 5.4 lbs down (a small victory in a huge battle).

That quote is so true, “If you want anything to work, you’ve got to work it”. If you want to lose weight you’ve got to put in the effort, exercise & eat healthy. If you want to get a raise at your job you’ve got to go above & beyond what you’re asked to do & show you deserve it. If you want God to move on your behalf you’ve got to put in the effort, go to church, read your Bible, pray, and build a real relationship with Him. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING TO WORK, YOU’VE GOT TO WORK IT!!!!! So…off to work I go :) ….TTYL