Friday, December 24, 2010

Skinny Chic P.S.A.- Public Service Announcement

I feel duped! I am so angry right now. The devil weaseled his way back into my emotions and I'm noticing it after he's been here for about a week. I've lost 10 lbs, I've been elevated and encouraged by God, and I've been obedient to God. UGH!!!! Ok, ok I'll slow down, let me take you back about a week.

It all started last week with overeating. Well, it started with overeating lettuce; that is until lettuce called it's friends chicken fried rice, pancakes, omelets, and fried chicken (all overeaten on different days). This is detrimental to my success. I got to the point where I had to unbutton my pants to sit on the couch and watch t.v. with my husband-now you know that's bad. Then I started feeling sad and hopeless at random times. I lost my motivation to do things. I haven't worked out in over a week, but the thing that spoke red flag to me is for the last few days I've slept well over 8 hours and I've had little to no motivation to get out the bed. Normally by body automatically will wake up at exactly 8 hours of sleep&I won't be able to go back to sleep, but lately I've been forcing myself to get up and even my husband has gotten up earlier than me.

It dawned on me two days ago. Overeating, sadness, hopelessness, lack of motivation, over sleeping...these are all cookie cutter signs of depression. The devil uses things like depression to throw you off track, with the hope that you'll turn to him for refuge (by isolating, drinking, drugs, emotional eating, or whatever your vice of choice has been in the past). I have no reason to be depressed. God is so good and my life is awesome. I've battled depression most my life. I thought this was something I was done with for good. This just goes to show how the devil never gives up and neither should we ever stop seeking God's guidance, wisdom, and love to defeat the devil. I'VE DEFEATED DEPRESSION ONCE AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN!!!!!

STEP 1: Reading, repeating, and believing God's word is for me. I won't allow the devil to tell me I'm less than or that I'll never move forward. Until I get it down into the very fabric of my being, Daily I will read 2Corinthians 4:7-10; 15-18 which let's me know I am not broken, I am not defeated and I am more than a conqueror. STEP 2: Daily I will make myself get up and go and force myself to do what I'm supposed to be doing (i.e. working out, waking up, being around people, Bible study, etc.) until I'm outta this "funk". Finally STEP 3 I will remember Philippians 3:12-14 which simply stated tells me I'm not all I want to be, but I'll continue to strive to be who God wants me to be. I will be victorious and if this is something that you've struggled with be encouraged in knowing you too can be victorious.

And remember if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fat Chic Weakened

With the holiday's here, the battle of the bulge is in full effect. If your family is anything like mine holiday's center around tables upon tables full of food and that involves never eating more than one plate. You'd think that with these past few months I've been blogging, I'd spend more time boasting about weight successes. By the way, I lost 9.8 pounds :) WooHoo!!!!! How did I do that you ask? #1- My husband and I joined weight watchers (of which I have yet to follow the plan 100% and I've been in it so many times I could run my own meetings). #2-We also have a treadmill in our living room, with the intentions to walk on it (stay tuned to hear how far we get with that). #3-The last thing I've done is change the way I eat, now eating more vegetables, fruits, and meat is a requirement. I get reassurance with knowing God wants to give me the desires of my heart if I diligently seek him and let him know what I want. God wants me to be healthy to live a long life of service for Him. If you've ever had any struggles with weight or "kicking" any habit, you know with all of the good days comes an equal amount of bad days. My weight loss should be further, but I'm excited that I've started the downward spiral. In the instance my past weeks failures are brought to my mind God reminds me of my successes in Him. I will lose 100 pounds with Christ's help. I am not all that I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling me up to heaven.  And remember if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fat Chic-2 Skinny chic-0

“If you want anything to work, you’ve got to work it”…A quote from some famous person, whom I really don’t know. Ok so I’ve been on a long hiatus contemplating life, love, and the pursuit of healthiness. I started out with a bang, extremely excited and on a roll for weight-loss. After several setbacks and mistakes the fat chic took control, I fell off the wagon with cookies, cupcakes, and donuts pouring out of my soul. I reverted back to over eating, emotional eating, and simply unhealthy eating. I allowed my emotions to encourage me to accept my defeat, as I bowed my head and walked away from exercise and any idea of me accomplishing this goal.

Until today, I just realized where I’d gone wrong. I was successful with things initially because God was the director of this weight loss expedition, but somewhere along the way I started to leave Him out of the equation. My foundation began to crack & breakdown as I gave all the glory to me & my persistence with exercise and food monitoring. Well…The SKINNY CHIC IS BACK, and with a vengeance. I have a new plan, a new focus, and a new direction. Change #1-God is the only one directing this show and He will get all the glory. Change #2-I joined weight watchers (granted this isn’t my first time, but it is my last time). Change #3-My father in-law gave us a treadmill (granted I think it’s the first model ever created, but it works) and it’s sitting in our living room in front of the TV. I’m already 5.4 lbs down (a small victory in a huge battle).

That quote is so true, “If you want anything to work, you’ve got to work it”. If you want to lose weight you’ve got to put in the effort, exercise & eat healthy. If you want to get a raise at your job you’ve got to go above & beyond what you’re asked to do & show you deserve it. If you want God to move on your behalf you’ve got to put in the effort, go to church, read your Bible, pray, and build a real relationship with Him. IF YOU WANT ANYTHING TO WORK, YOU’VE GOT TO WORK IT!!!!! So…off to work I go :) ….TTYL

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Beginning the evolution from Fat Chic to Skinny Chic

So here's the "skinny" on my initial attempt to evolve from fat chic. Starting July 5, 2010 my husband and I started a 10 day liquid cleanse. The purpose of this cleanse was to jump start our weight loss and prepare our stomachs to consume less.
100% fruit juices (with no added sugars)
100% vegetable juice (V8)
protein shake (purchased from GNC)
Sugar free Jello
Sugar free pudding
broth based soups
9-12 glasses of water

We made sure to eat at least 1200 calories a day of the items listed above. Long story short...This was the HARDEST thing I've ever done. There were tears (an incident involving me locking myself in the bathroom to hide from my husband so I could consume a bag of popcorn because I was hungry as heck), body aches, headaches, and hunger pains, but we made it through the process lighter; my husband by 12lbs and me by 10lbs (mostly water weight, yea, yea, I know).
After the 10 days starts the body renewal. To be victorious in a battle of this extent you have to be equipped with the weapons of war. The motivation, strength, and weapon of choice for this fragment of my pilgrimage was:
Haggai 1:6-10, 13 (some key verses & my overall interpretation)
"You have planted much, but harvest little. You eat, but never have enough...This is what the Lord Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways"..."Build your temple (your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit) so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored"..."I am with you" declares the Lord."

Now armed, the plan of attack is to monitor calorie intake. I will consume 1200 calories and attend the gym 3 days a week for at least 60 minutes each session. Of course the calorie thing lasted 3 days and I added another 300 calories (now I'm up to 1500 calories). I've been on and off this plan since July 15th, 2010. Actually I've been off more than on and as it turns out I gained 3lbs of my original 10lbs. So yea, fat chic wins this round, but it's not over yet. Now, with this blog, I plan to be on 100% until the weight is gone.
PHOTOS AND MORE STILL ON THE WAY SO STAY TUNED...and if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

God bless 

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fat Chic's existence threatened

Hello my name is...well that's not important, just call me Fat Chic and I am addicted to overeating. I just love food and it shows in the way I look. I can't dress the way I want to because I'm 28 and all big girl clothes are made for old women. This weight is beating up on my self esteem and after 28 years of carrying it I'm tired. As I walk up a flight of stairs and feel as though my heart is going to pound through my chest I realize there may be a need for me to move some weight (the legal way). You'd think that would be motivation enough, but the real motivation came in two parts. Part 1 being the day I logged into facebook and seen two asociates, both weighing in the 250lbs-300lbs range at the beginning of the year, now (June 2010) wearing between sizes 6-8. Part 2 being the day I hid from my husband in the bathroom crying and eating popcorn because I was hungry. If they can do it I can do it. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (I chant as I doubt my dedication to this matter).

Well on July 5, 2010 I began this journey and I was just inspired by my husband today (August 10) to start blogging the ups, downs, and plateaus of this life changing process. The plan is to get on here giving updates, tips, support, and information to help others drop weight in a healthy way. So stay tuned, I'll be uploading pictures and new blogs a few times a month to chronicle the loss. The blog for the first 30 days will be posted soon. And if your a big chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every big chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

God Bless You