Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Freedom isn't Free

What price are you willing to pay to be free?

Free from what you ask?

Well let me answer a question with a question...what are you bound by?

Is it debt?

Is it obesity?

Is it stress?

What work are you willing to put in, in order to ensure that you not only break out of any self destructive cycle that you're in, but also that you stay you of that cycle?
Hard work and dedication are the fees to be paid for the freedom of shopping where you want, wearing what you want, and walking confident in your own skin. While cashing in that currency you'll experience uncontrollable sweats and total body pain if done right.

As I've gone through the last couple weeks I've had to pose the question of sacrifice to myself several times. There have been time's during these weeks that I've not been willing to pay the required price. I just didn't feel like fighting anymore, besides being fat seems so much easier.

It's in those times that I'm encouraged by 2 Corinthians 12:9 it says, "Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness".

In my weak times of low motivation, to know that He's strong enough to pull me through is the push I need to keep holding on.

There will be hard days ahead full of temptation, set backs, and declines in motivation. It's important that you surround yourself with encouragement and those who will remind you why you started to begin with.

Nobody likes a quitter, so don't commit to making a change, unless you're truly ready to commit and pay the cost required to make the change.

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to follow the blog.
Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.   

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