Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Skinny Chic Team Work

"Team work makes the dream work", I think I may have vomited a little in my mouth just now as I typed that cliche into the computer. Anyone who knows me, knows that I work hard to not be a cliche. I wake up each morning with the thought "what can I do today that is odd, weird, or just different from everyone else". But this week I had an epiphany (epiphany defined as any moment of great or sudden revelation). I've been extremely successful in both my eating and working out. I've made God my focus with each day and have done a complete 180 with everything, but I've been wondering what's so different. I mean why is my motivation this week any different than before. I've been fat for 28 years so why the sudden change of heart?

As I asked these thought provoking questions a strong sensual sexy voice says to me "Babe I'm ready to go to the gym" and all of a sudden it hits me. In our 6 year journey never have my husband and I both been on the same page at the same time when it comes to weight loss. In the past when one's motivated to workout and eat healthy the other wants to sleep and eat burgers. But today, today we are both on the same page; Both up at the gym at 5am daily, both exercising vigorously; Both watching our portion sizes and choosing healthy options. We're both wanting to live a long healthy life and we understand that our choices today directly affect that. 

I realized this week that it is so much easier when you have a partner to help you conquer this task of weight loss. Your partner doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. You're partner could be a friend, sibling, parent, roommate, associate, co-worker, etc. The overall goal is to pick a person who's just as motivated as you and someone who's willing to hold you accountable for your day to day choices. I learned this week that team work really does make the dream work. Don't limit your dreams. My dream is to lose 100 lbs, but yours may be to lose more or less or even (heaven forbid) gain weight. Your dream could be to start a company or pursue another passion. Whatever the dream connect with a person who can support you and make that dream work. The entire process should be a little easier to deal with when you have someone to help you through it.  

If you get a chance watch our webcast/internet radio show every Sunday 2pm-3pm http://www.livestream.com/desmoinesamplified and you can also follow me on twitter @Poetic1_Melody.

And remember if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.


  1. It's great to see both of you are on the same page toward your fitness goals!Hang in there and stay motivated on that goal of staying healthy together and reamining healthy for each other. Stay encouraged.

    P. Morris

  2. Hey gurl! I'm on my voyage to weight loss as well...got my roomies here to join in on the party too lol. I'm excited to take this journey with you guys. The final destination is gonna be awesome! Luv u guys :-)

  3. Thanks Priya & Kasei we're working extremely hard and hopefully we'll start seeing the results of all our hard work pay off. Thanks for reading the blog! Take Care

  4. I am so excited for your courage in pursuing living a well life! It's amazing how much more we are able to accomplish together. 'Two are better than one. Because the have a greater reward for their work'(Ecc 4:9).

    I do have one little tip for you workouts and meal plans ... variety, variety, variety. Give your body, mind, and mouth something different for each workout or meal.

    Checkout my blog at www.bwela.blogspot.com for more insight.

    We love you guys and pray you will see yourself as God see's you.

    Mrs. Nez
