Saturday, February 19, 2011

Skinny Chic back in the saddle

By this time of year we all have made “new year’s resolutions” and typically by late February/early March we’ve thrown in our resolution towels and dived face first into pizza, ice cream, or chocolate (whatever your preference). Every year without fail my relapse begins the week of my birthday. It’s like my body is programmed to clock out of everything during that week and it usually takes an act of God (literally) to throw me back on the wagon. Last year after my birthday I didn’t work out for 10 months! This year was a little better considering my past behavior; I only took a 3 week sabbatical from life as I knew it. My husband encouraged me to work out and life kept moving all around me, but all I wanted to do was lay around and eat. I wasn’t sad, tired, or stressed; my body just didn’t want to work out.

A friend of mine pointed out that my body probably responded that way because it’s still looking at exercise as a punishment as opposed to fun. I’m really not buying what she’s selling. I mean honestly, who in their right minds would look at running and lifting weights as fun?  When I think of fun I think of laughing, fellowship, and freedom. The words that don’t come to mind with fun are sweat, loss of breath, and pain (nope, I’m really not seeing the fun correlation).

Despite my speculations, I decided to listen to her advice. I’m now setting small rewards for myself to encourage me to workout. For instance if I work out for 2 weeks straight I will reward myself by getting my eyebrows waxed. I love getting my eyebrows waxed so I know this is a great goal. So as long as you don’t see me walking around with a uni-brow you’ll know that I’m still following the plan.

But this is the thing, WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR SPEECH! I won’t fall off the wagon again because I don’t want to. I’m not a quitter and it’s not my intentions to give up. We must start believing in ourselves and believing in the God within us. To attain my goal of 100lbs of weight loss; I must constantly adhere to the same healthy principles I’ve learned (exercising, eating more fruits and veggies, & watching portion sizes) and not focus on a one time incident of weight gain, weight loss, or motivation drainage. Ralph Marston said “Success is a consistent pattern more than it is an isolated event.” If we establish our healthy lifestyle patterns and are consistent about following them we have no choice but to be successful. My weight loss isn’t about a number, it’s about a lifestyle and I’m willing to fight to make changes that will keep me here for a while.

If you get a chance watch our webcast/internet radio show every Sunday 2pm-3pm and you can also follow me on twitter @Poetic1_Melody.

And remember if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fat Chic Burn Out

 Burnout: fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork, or intense activity. Waking up at 5 am and exercising 1 1/4  - 2 hours each morning and watching my calorie intake for the past 34 days has burned me out. I actually burned out around day 27 (which explains why I haven’t been back to the gym since that day). During those 27 days working out as intensely as I did I expected to be moving major pounds 10-15 minimum. So imagine my discouragement when I get on the scale and only see 6.6 lbs. That one weigh in turned the scale from my ally to my enemy and in that instance I started planning my attack on every scale in a 30 mile radius. I tried to be optimistic about my meager beginnings, but reality is that this sucks! So I used my February 5th birthday as an excuse to eat what I want and do what I wanted all week, but in actuality I’m just tired. I’m tired of working out and seeing small results. I’m tired of putting forth a ton of effort and not seeing the results.

In the past I would have given up by now. As I drop my head in frustration I’m reminded to read 2 Corinthians 4:8-10. I’m hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. I always carry around in my body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in my body.

That’s why I started this journey in the first place. I’m constantly asking God to use me as a vessel to show the world His grace and mercy and while my lips proclaim my love of God my body shows my disregard for His love. My body shows my lack of self control and God is a God of self control. I want this because I want Him to be able to use me to do whatever He’s called me to do and I don’t want my weight to hold me back any longer. Therefore, for the next leg of this journey I prepare my mind for action; I will be self controlled and set my hope fully on the grace to be given me when Christ Jesus is revealed.

If you get a chance watch our webcast/internet radio show every Sunday 2pm-3pm and you can also follow me on twitter @Poetic1_Melody.

And remember if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Skinny Chic Team Work

"Team work makes the dream work", I think I may have vomited a little in my mouth just now as I typed that cliche into the computer. Anyone who knows me, knows that I work hard to not be a cliche. I wake up each morning with the thought "what can I do today that is odd, weird, or just different from everyone else". But this week I had an epiphany (epiphany defined as any moment of great or sudden revelation). I've been extremely successful in both my eating and working out. I've made God my focus with each day and have done a complete 180 with everything, but I've been wondering what's so different. I mean why is my motivation this week any different than before. I've been fat for 28 years so why the sudden change of heart?

As I asked these thought provoking questions a strong sensual sexy voice says to me "Babe I'm ready to go to the gym" and all of a sudden it hits me. In our 6 year journey never have my husband and I both been on the same page at the same time when it comes to weight loss. In the past when one's motivated to workout and eat healthy the other wants to sleep and eat burgers. But today, today we are both on the same page; Both up at the gym at 5am daily, both exercising vigorously; Both watching our portion sizes and choosing healthy options. We're both wanting to live a long healthy life and we understand that our choices today directly affect that. 

I realized this week that it is so much easier when you have a partner to help you conquer this task of weight loss. Your partner doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. You're partner could be a friend, sibling, parent, roommate, associate, co-worker, etc. The overall goal is to pick a person who's just as motivated as you and someone who's willing to hold you accountable for your day to day choices. I learned this week that team work really does make the dream work. Don't limit your dreams. My dream is to lose 100 lbs, but yours may be to lose more or less or even (heaven forbid) gain weight. Your dream could be to start a company or pursue another passion. Whatever the dream connect with a person who can support you and make that dream work. The entire process should be a little easier to deal with when you have someone to help you through it.  

If you get a chance watch our webcast/internet radio show every Sunday 2pm-3pm and you can also follow me on twitter @Poetic1_Melody.

And remember if you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.