Thursday, January 9, 2014

Holiday Hangover

Well another year has come and gone, which means another holiday season has blown in like a thief in the night stealing most of my weight loss progress. And now...Now I'm waking up from the fog and wondering... how did I get here. I'm doing the walk of shame back to my computer and feeling horrible about all of this. The last thing I remember is detoxing two weeks prior to Thanksgiving and feeling great. I told myself that Thanksgiving day would be my only "cheat" day and I'd be right back on track; once again faithful to weight loss after this one day.

Not having actually mounted a scale I'd guess I lost close to 10 pounds prior to Thanksgiving and I'd guess by December 22 I'd gained about 15 pounds (so much for counting that loss). But I had a plan... On December 22 we started a juice/smoothie detox only drinking fresh fruits and vegetables. This was one of the hardest, but greatest things I'd ever done for my health. After getting over the initial three days of headaches, hunger pains, and desire to chew; I felt great.

I noticed my skin began to clear up, I felt lighter (After one week I'd actually lost ten pounds! Mostly water weight of course), I had tons of energy, and my clothes were fitting differently. I loved all of the juices and veggies and I never wanted it to end. Of course it all came to a screeching halt once my pocket book caught up with my new lifestyle. Eating 100% fresh organic fruit & veggie juice/smoothies is EXPENSIVE! So regrettably we stopped and began adding in healthy meats & grains and now...Now I'm still 4 pounds down, not feeling as great, but I've not completely jumped off the health wagon. I just had to stop and regroup.

What's the plan now you ask? I'm going to workout 4-5 days a week, making sure to do cardio at least 3 days. I also set up a personal challenge to complete one health challenge a month. We've all seen the challenges on Facebook and Pinterest. For the month of January I'm completing a 30 day burpee challenge. I'd love it if you'd join the challenge with me, post a comment and I'll send you the link.

I'm still eating healthy, we've actually switched over to mostly organic foods. We don't eat fast food, fried foods,or too many desserts. We eat fresh fruit or vegetables with each meal. I also plan to do a 7 day cleanse/detox every month. I enjoyed the benefits so much that I feel obligated to do it again just so that I can feel that way again; 7 days is doable on my budget.

Last, but not least I plan to take some time out for me. I plan to de-stress, relax, and work on being ok in my own skin. Stress in addition to many other factors can lead to weight gain. So there you have it, nothing too drastic, everything doable and realistic. At this time of new years resolutions I hope you can resolve to join me on this mission to be fun, fit, and fabulous. Know that this year all things are possible and together we will accomplish greater health and life achievements.

If you're enjoying the reading, don't forget to FOLLOW the blog, SHARE the blog, and SHOUT from the roof tops about how much you love the blog!

Lastly, If you're a fat chic like me stay motivated, be encouraged, and know that inside of every fat chic is a skinny chic waiting to come out.


  1. Good for you getting motivated! As in anyting that's worthwhile, it's a lifestyle change. I've gained more weight in the last 4 years than in the 52 years prior! I too need to work on my eating habits so i'll join you in the monthly challenge. So, I'm dying to know... what's the burpee challenge? Vonnie

    1. I'm excited you're going to join me in the challenge. This year I've planned out 12 fitness challenges and 2 food challenges. The burpee challenge is actually a fitness challenge. It's hard to explain what a burpee is and so much easier to show you. I'd recommend going to youtube and typing burpee into the search box and you'll see tons of examples. However, if I had to put it in words: from standing position you put your hands on the floor, kick your feet out behind you so that now you're on the floor in a plank (or pre-push up position), pull your feet back in near your hands and instead of just going right back to standing position you actually jump straight up into the air (complicated sounding I know). As I said the visual is a much better teacher, it's actually not a hard exercise, but it definitely gets your heart pumping. If you have any knee difficulties I wouldn't recommend doing the burpee, but I have tons of low impact physical challenge alternatives if you'd like one just let me know. Thanks again for reading and keep me updated on your progress!

  2. Girl, I love it! I accept your challenge. When do we start?

    1. I will send you the link to the burpee challenge in your email. The challenge is based on 31 days, so don't pay attention to the fact that it's January 11th and instead focus on going 30 days from the day you start. Thanks for joining me in this, I think it'll be fun and life changing at the least!

  3. I do juice fast for weight loss. Stress in addition to many other factors can lead to weight gain. So there you have it, nothing too drastic, everything doable and realistic. Juice fast can reduce weight instant.

    Goji Berry Juice

    1. Thank you for not only reading the blog, but also sharing your weight loss knowledge with me. My husband and I were both juicing and we loved it! The results that we received physically (as in weight loss) were awesome, but also the changes in our energy levels and overall happiness were tremendous. Juicing is great for the mind, body, and soul even if someone isn't looking for weight loss. The nutritional gains out weigh all of the negatives. Thanks again and I hope you enjoyed it enough to come back again!

  4. Don't forget to do somer strength training along with the cardio. it has worked wonders for me and helps with metabolism. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the info, I will definitely be incorporating strength training soon. Right now I'm really trying to establish a routine of healthy eating and exercise. I would love to hear more about your experience with Cross Fit, are you still doing it?
